Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Monday, November 5, 2007

Scary! I knew of the Enron situation because all of the coverage it had on all the media, but I did not have the chance to study the case in depth, until now. I saw these powerful men not caring about anything else, but the millions of dollars that they were stealing from the small investors, the community members and the people that trusted them with their money-disgusting.

Enron was all an act, an illusion that hypnotized the public, the government and the country with lies of profit. One thing that I do not understand is how they stayed in business so long without being questioned on their books until everything started leaking. (Well I do know, but where was the SEC?)

From a PR stand point and with the objectives learned in ethics, I find it really hard to believe that individuals so smart and powerful thought that they were going to get away with it. I guess some questions that I would ask would be: How long were you(to the individuals involved) planning to continue this fake business? How much more money did you (individuals involved) want; you already had millions?

Big front, Jeffery Skilling the chief executive officer I found his part in the whole Enron situation that most unethical because as a leader and a person that the people (especially his employees) trusted and believed in, stood in front of company employees telling them that everything was fine knowing that they were short of going into bankruptcy.

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